Home | Abdominoplasty & Breast Surgery AT OUR SYDNEY CLINIC

Abdominoplasty & Breast Surgery AT OUR SYDNEY CLINIC

So family is complete and the little chirrups are behaving like angels, finally there is some time to have a little think about what’s next for a Sydney mum? Been eating well, exercising, the weight has come off but there are still tell tales of the bringing into this world the next generation of well-balanced human beings who will inherit the post COIVD-19 world. Stretch marks on the abdomen, sagging and/or deflated breasts are there to remind you of the journey.
So what are the surgical options for breast rejuvenation? The short answer is, that it depends. If the only issue is loss of volume, the nipples are above the now famous inframammary fold (IMF), then a straightforward simple breast augmentation with implant would do the trick reliably and nicely. Look at our other blogs on this topic:


Complications Profiles of Breast Augmentation Surgery

What to Expect from your First Consultation  & Examination for Breast Augmentation

7 Things you didn’t know about Silicone Implants

What do you need to know about Techniques of Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Surgery Overview

What does a Breast Augmentation Procedure Entail?

SYDNEY’S DR FARHADIEH EXPLAINS Abdominoplasty & Breast SurgeryS

If however, the breast shape and position of the nipples is affected but overall your volume is good, then perhaps all you need is a simple breast lift surgery at our clinic in Sydney or Canberra. Vertical pattern mastopexy or breast lift gives excellent, reliable outcomes.

Finally, if the shape, volume and position of the nipples are all affected and need addressing then a lift and augmentation is the best solution. From a clinical standpoint the upper pole of the breast, if deflated and empty, can only be filled with either an implant or with fat injection. From a clinical standpoint the evidence is very clear, implants give a more reliable outcome in comparison to fat injection. They predictably raise the upper pole of the breast by approximately 2 cm. Their volume is easily determined and is not subject to resorption but comes with its own complication profile. See our blogs on this topic:


History of Breast Implants & Complications

Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma

What’s Wrong with the Textured Implants & Why is Allergan Withdrawing Them?


This surgery involves -recreating the breast mound by manipulating its three components nipples, parenchyma and skin envelope. By reducing the skin, reconning the breast tissues and repositioning the nipples a new breast mound is created. Now to add volume an implant is also inserted. This can be done through a vertical pattern lift incision or an anchor “Wise” pattern incision. A couple of drains are inserted and usually removed the next day to reduce the risk of infections and capsular contractures. The recovery process for this component of Abdominoplasty & Breast Surgery is very similar to a primary breast augmentation in our Sydney or Canberra clinics. In our next blog we will discuss fat injection in this settings of Abdominoplasty & Breast Surgery.

You can see some before and afters on our gallery page.

Dr Ross Farhadieh

Dr Ross Farhadieh

Dr Farhadieh is an Australian qualified and trained Plastic Surgery. He holds fellowship qualifications in Plastic Surgery from Royal Australian College of Surgeons, Royal College of Surgeons (England) as well the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery. He has multiple clinical subspecialty fellowships in Cosmetic, Pediatrics as well as Microsurgery from World Leading institutes in London.



Capsular contractures, what causes it to occur?

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The basic principles of breast reduction & lift surgery.

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The basics of a abdominoplasty and breast lift.

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