Also referred to as eyelid surgery, blepharoplasty is one of Dr Farhadieh’s areas of special interest and extended training. In fact, he has co-authored a plastic surgery textbook chapter on this topic: An introduction to lower lid rejuvenation, in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Approaches and Techniques. The procedure is divided into upper lid and lower lid blepharoplasties.
In principle, the soft-tissues from the mid-cheek form the foundation support for the lower eyelids. As the mid-cheek descends with ageing – and depending on the individual facial structure – it has varying effects on the lower lid appearance and topography. The upper lids, by contrast, can be thought of as being suspended from the brows (forehead). A descent of the brow by the ageing process may similarly exaggerate or affect the appearance of the upper eyelids.
The aim of eyelid surgery is to remove the excess skin, reduce all herniated (protruding underlying fat causing puffiness of the eyelids) tissues to their rightful place and tighten the skin and appearance of the eyelids. Addressing the brow or the mid-cheek may be vital in achieving a long-lasting, reliable outcome.
During your initial consultation, Panthea Clinics’ esteemed surgeon Dr Farhadieh will ask you what areas of your face you wish to address. He will collect a detailed record of any functional ophthalmological history – such as ‘dry eyes’ – as this is vital to the outcome aesthetic eye surgery. The eyes and eyelids need to be assessed in the context of the remainder of your face. Smokers will be advised to stop smoking for at least 3-6 weeks before and after surgery to ensure that the best results are achieved.
It’s also important for your surgeon to get a detailed understanding of your medical history. This can include, but is not limited to:
- Current medications
- Allergies
- Family history
- Smoking history
- General medical history
Blood-thinning medications – including aspirin, blood thinning medication and other blood thinners – are considered significant risk factors for surgical bleeding, so you should be sure to inform your surgeon if you are taking any of these. The same is applicable to supplementary health vitamins which may interfere with wound healing or blood functions. You must stop taking these supplements and medications for around 2 weeks prior to surgery. Some medical problems such as hypertension (high blood pressure), thyroid disease or diabetes must also be considered as they may adversely affect the surgery.
The surgery itself takes between 60 minutes and 2 hours. In the upper lid the incision is hidden in the skin folds. The surgery may be performed under sedation or more commonly general anaesthetic with local anaesthetic. After the incision is made, a small amount of redundant skin is removed. Usually small amounts of protruding fat are removed when tightening the underlying eyelid structures. Depending on the problem and whether a mid-cheek lift is being performed, the lower lid incision may be hidden just inside the eyelid, outside in a skin crease or a combination of both. Similarly, for the upper lids, often a small amount of skin is removed, the eyelid structures tightened and the eyelid re-suspended from the orbital rim.
After the surgery, you will be taken to the recovery area and then to your room, where your eyes will be covered with cold compresses to reduce the swelling. Your eyesight will be blurry during the first evening – this is normal and should not cause you alarm. If you are discharged home as part of day surgery, you should make sure that someone can drive you home and if possible stay with you the first night. Cooling the eyelids with ice gels and elevating the head on a couple of pillows will help to reduce the swelling. The first nights should be spent resting quietly. You will be seen again 5–7 days after the operation for a check-up and for removal of the sutures.
Complications are an inherent risk of all surgery these include asymmetry, bleeding, infections, double vision and rarely blindness. Dr Farhadieh will discuss these with you in great detail during your initial consultation.
Your relationship with your surgeon and medical team is an integral aspect of your care. It is a journey that patients should take with good knowledge and consideration, having nothing but the utmost confidence in their ability to deliver outstanding results .
Here at Panthea, we are dedicated to being there for every step of the journey with you. Whether you’re looking for a breast lift or augmentation, facelift or eye lift surgery, get in touch with our Sydney or Canberra team to book your initial consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes this is the best option, this will be performed in an appropriate accredited facility under general anaesthesia. Depending on the individual and extent of surgery overnight admission might be considered.
There will be swelling and bruising associated with this operation and most patients wear a pair of sunglasses for the first 10–14 days. The majority of people return to work after 2 weeks. Sensation at and surrounding the site of incision may be altered for a few weeks, but this rarely persists longer than a few months. However, its worth noting individual recovery and healing varies.
We all have intrinsic asymmetry in our faces and bodies. However, there should not be any noticeable asymmetry resulting from surgery.
Secondary surgery to the eyelids to address natural ageing after primary eyelids surgery or correction of any previous asymmetries resulting from surgery is called revision surgery. Because of previous procedures, revision surgery often involves more nuanced techniques to achieve an optimal final outcome.
Dr Farhadieh believes that the relationship between doctor and patient is sacred and privileged. Our practice is based on compassion, honesty, transparency and, above all, patient welfare. We pride ourselves on making sure that you feel supported at all times. We will be available during all stages of your journey and will schedule short-, medium- and long-term follow-up appointments as part of our overall practice.
1. There are some general risks associated with ANY operation, which include:
a) Infection in surgical wound(s) with resultant redness, pain and possible discharge. In severe cases, wound(s) could break open and need to be resewn after washout and debridement.
b) Possible bleeding in surgical wound(s) with swelling or bruising. Occasionally, this will require secondary surgery for evacuation.
c) Secretions may accumulate in the lungs and cause a chest infection.
d) Deep vein thrombosis.
e) Death is possible during or after an operation following severe complications.
f) Smoking significantly increases the risk of complications. Therefore, you should completely stop smoking at least 4 weeks prior to surgery, and refrain from smoking for at least 4 weeks.
2. The following facts, risks and complications apply specifically to THIS operation:
a) Antibiotics are given during and often after the operation, to minimise the risk of infection. If infection were to occur, it would be treated with the usual techniques. In severe cases, treatment may involve being admitted to hospital for intravenous antibiotics; further surgery may be required.
b) Bruising and swelling around the eyes is normal, but the severity can vary with each patient. The risk of increased bruising or bleeding can be reduced by abstaining from medications such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, or other blood thinning agents, for at least 2 weeks prior to surgery).
c) Excess bleeding and bruising may affect the final aesthetic and functional outcome.
d) The incisions will result in scar formation, although they are camouflaged in natural eyelid creases. Dr Farhadieh will endeavour to keep the incisions as small as possible, and these scars will soften and fade with time.
e) Postoperative pain experienced varies from very mild to significant discomfort. You will be given plenty of pain relieving medication following your surgery and this should keep you comfortable, no matter what your level of discomfort.
f) Temporary changes in vision may occur. In rare cases, this may be long lasting or permanent.
g) Ptosis (drooping) of the upper/lower eyelids, and ectropion (sagging) of the lower eyelids is an uncommon, but possible complication that may require additional surgery for correction. It is possible that any corrective surgery will not be able to address this complication completely.
h) Chemosis which is swelling in the mucosal lining of the eye can occur in a proportion of patients most commonly associated with lower lid surgery. This often resolves in the first couple of postoperative weeks but in some cases may last longer.
i) Asymmetry is a risk with all cosmetic surgery this may require corrective surgery.
j) Both dry eyes as well as excessively wet eyes may be in rare cases occur during the postoperative period and may be permanent.
k) In extremely rare cases, eyelid reduction surgery can lead to blindness in one or both eyes.
l) The aim of blepharoplasty surgery is improvement rather than perfection. Further operations may occasionally be required to improve the results.
m) Hypertrophic and keloid scars may form and may be permanent.
n) You may not be satisfied with the final aesthetic outcome.