Breast Revision Surgery IN SYDNEY & CANBERRA

There are many reasons why a person may consider revision breast surgery: dissatisfaction with the results of a previous operation; changes in body shape following childbirth or weight loss; the natural process of ageing; changes in personal preference; or simply the need to replace old implants.

Although the conservative approach of surgical training encourages continuity of care with the original surgeon who performed the primary surgery, for a myriad of reasons this may not always be possible or desirable.

Revision breast surgery may include the following:

  • breast re-lift,
  • an increase or decrease in implant size,
  • an exchange of implants, or
  • a repeat breast reduction.


For your consultation, it is always helpful to have documentation on the nature of your previous surgery with you (e.g. operation notes or record, or hospital discharge summary), although we can often retrieve these from colleagues where necessary. After a discussion about the nature of your concerns, Dr Farhadieh will discuss all the options available and how they could be tailored to your needs and wants. The risks of the operation will be explained to you. Asymmetry, infection, bleeding, scarring, postoperative bleeding, leg blood clots are amongst these complications.

On the day of surgery, your breasts are marked with a surgical marker while you are awake, and any final questions are addressed. Surgery will be performed under general anaesthetic. You may be discharged on the day of surgery or may stay overnight depending on the extent of surgery and, where appropriate, personal preference.


Long-lasting local anaesthetic infiltrated into the surgical sites at the time of surgery will help to alleviate immediate postoperative pain. Paracetamol is usually recommended for any discomfort during the early postoperative period. The incisions are closed with absorbable sutures and covered with tape. Any discolouration or swelling will disappear quickly and any residual swelling will normally resolve by 6 weeks. Straining, bending and lifting must be avoided during this time, and a supporting bra should also be worn.

You can usually go back to work within 7–10 days, but are advised to avoid strenuous physical exertion, particularly with respect to the upper body. Gentle lower body exercise can be resumed 1 week postoperatively. The breast will find its final shape within 6 months of surgery.

There is risk associated with all surgery as discussed above. Because of the previous surgery, revision surgery is often associated with added risks. Dr Farhadieh will discuss these in more detail with you fully during your consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is some discomfort associated with surgery. Most patients report a ‘tightness’, rather than pain, due to the excellent modern anaesthetic pain control regimes, which includes local anaesthetic for the immediate postoperative period as well as powerful analgesics. However, its vital that you note that pain perception and recovery may be different with each individual.

In revisional surgery the rule of thumb is to replace the breast implant devices where an implant is necessary. Often this means creating new pockets not only to reshape the breast but also to reduce the capsular contracture rates.

This depends on the nature of breast surgery being considered. In some situations this helps to achieve an optimized final aesthetic outcome.

Within 2 weeks you will be back at work and able to resume most normal activities. During the subsequent weeks you will be able to return to your pre-surgery levels of activity.

As part of the preoperative assessment Dr Farhadieh will discuss and tailor the incision sites, often through previous surgery. The scars are not only camouflaged, but fade considerably within the first 12 months from surgery. Vertical pattern, short scar or classic Inverted T or Wise incisions may be used or previous inframammary incisions may be appropriate.

Dr Farhadieh believes that the relationship between doctor and patient is sacred and privileged. Our practice is based on compassion, honesty, transparency and, above all, patient welfare. We pride ourselves on making sure that you feel supported at all times. We will be available during all stages of your journey and will schedule short-, medium- and long-term follow-up appointments as part of our overall practice.

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