Surgery on the inner thigh to address both redundant tissues and the contour of the thigh is referred to as a thigh lift. Most commonly, this procedure is considered as part of surgical aftercare following massive weight reduction. Redraping of the loose skin and removal of excess tissues help to improve the shape and contour of the thighs. Sometimes the procedure is applied simply to address localized inner thigh bulge and fat deposit.


During your initial consultation, Dr Farhadieh will review your past medical and surgical history. These include your regular medications, smoking history and allergic reactions. Any previous weight-reduction surgery, including bariatric surgery, and your weight stability over the last 12 months will also be noted. Special attention will be paid to your nutritional state, as wound healing problems are common and often occur secondary to metabolic state induced by weight-reduction surgery. Incidence of sugar intolerance and diabetes is also high in this patient group and may further undermine wound healing. Any history of high blood pressure, thyroid problems or bleeding abnormalities will be recorded. Preoperative pictures are taken as part of your confidential medical records.

Dr Farhadieh will ask you to point out exactly which areas concern you and what you feel might be the ideal outcome. He will discuss the surgical options for you at length, explaining the benefits as well as the risks. Prior to surgery any blood-thinning medications should be ceased where possible. If you are a smoker, you should stop 3–6 weeks prior to surgery and for at least 3–6 weeks after surgery.


Thigh lifts, like body lifts and abdominoplasties, are carried out under general anaesthetic and in a hospital setting. You should expect overnight admission after surgery. Our anaesthetist will discuss the anaesthetic benefits and risks to you. On the day of surgery you will have your thighs marked prior to surgery, according to the amount of redundant tissues to be removed and your requirements. Any final questions will be answered. The incisions are hidden from the line of direct sight when wearing underwear or swimwear garments in the groin crease, extending and hidden under the buttocks fold. Where they extend along the length of the thigh – when a greater thigh lift is indicated – they are placed away from the direct line of vision. They usually heal and fade out over time.

Surgical Risks:

Complications are inherent with surgery, however anyone considering undertaking any surgery should seek advice from their surgeon regarding the benefits and risks of surgery. These include infection, postoperative bleeding, scarring, blood clots, asymmetry and wound breakdown. These will be discussed at length with you during consultation. Specifically:

1. There are some general risks associated with ANY operation, which include:
a) Infection in surgical wound(s) with resultant redness, pain and possible discharge. In severe cases, wound(s) could break open and need to be resewn after washout and debridement.
b) Possible bleeding in surgical wound(s) with swelling or bruising. Occasionally, this will require secondary surgery for evacuation.
c) Secretions may accumulate in the lungs and cause a chest infection.
d) Deep vein thrombosis.
e) Death is possible during or after an operation following severe complications.
f) Smoking significantly increases the risk of complications. Therefore, you should completely stop smoking at least 4 weeks prior to surgery, and refrain from smoking for at least 4 weeks.
2. The following facts, risks and complications apply specifically to THIS operation:
a) There are always scars following a surgical procedure. Their location and extent has been explained in full. Every reasonable effort will be made to make them as inconspicuous as possible. These scars may take up to a year or longer to soften and fade.
b) Infection is possible following any kind of surgery. Should an infection occur, treatment including antibiotics and/or additional surgery may be necessary.
c) It is possible, although unusual, to experience a bleeding episode during or after surgery. Should postoperative bleeding occur, it may require emergency treatment to drain accumulated blood or fluid. I agree not take any aspirin, fish oil, or anti-inflammatory medications for ten days prior to surgery, as this may increase the risk of bleeding.
d) There may be swelling and bruising around the operated area. This can persist for several weeks/months and, in rare cases, longer following the procedure.
e) There may be scattered areas of numbness over the operated area following surgery. These may persist for an indefinite period of time. Deep structures such as nerves and vessels may be damaged as a result of surgery.
f) Delayed healing may sometimes occur along the margins of the incisions; and occasionally there is some loss of the skin edges or of the nipple itself, requiring prolonged dressings or additional surgery for correction.
g) Pain and numbness are commonly experienced at the site of surgery and usually resolve. However, permanent numbness, change in sensation or pain may result from surgery.

The supportive garments are sometimes worn for at least 6 weeks postoperatively. After discharge you will be seen in our clinic at a follow-up appointment and thereafter at regular intervals.

Dr Farhadieh believes that mutual trust and understanding between patient and surgeon form the cornerstone of a successful outcome. We are committed to being there for every step of your journey, during the preoperative and postoperative period. We are always available to see you, to offer help, advice and assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, this procedure is best carried out under general anaesthetic. It’s a day procedure and involves infiltration of local anaesthetic into the areas, this helps to address some of the discomfort associated with the surgery.

The operation will take 2–3 hours. Local anaesthetic is infiltrated into the surgical sites to reduce postoperative discomfort. After surgery you will be taken to the recovery room and thereafter to the wards. Compression garments will support your thighs and help to reduce postoperative swelling and bruising. Early ambulation is an important part of the postoperative care. It is always worth noting that pain is subjective and varies from individual to individual.

Any surgical drains are removed on the first day after surgery. There is some discomfort associated with surgery. Although most patients report a tightness rather than pain due to excellent pain control regime we utilise which includes local anaesthetic for the immediate postoperative period as well as powerful analgesics.

Depending on the extent of the procedure liposuction may be required for optimal aesthetic outcome.

Most of the swelling will settle in the first 7-10 days. You will be able to return to work after this time and resume most normal activities. The wounds should not be put under duress in the first few weeks to allow the skin at the incision sights to regain its strength.It is always worth remembering recovery varies between individuals.

Depending on the amount of redundant tissues, thigh lift surgery can be minimal or extensive. The incisions are camouflaged along normal skin creases and where natural shadows fall.

Where more extensive incisions required, they can be hidden in the inner aspect of thighs. Although there will always be a scar at any incision site, with good design the scars will fade but will be and be less noticeable to the untrained eye.

Dr Farhadieh believes that the doctor-patient rapport is amongst the most sacred and privileged relationships. Our practice is based on compassion, honesty, transparency and above all, patient welfare.

We pride ourselves on making sure that you feel supported through each stage of the journey. We will be available during all stages of your journey and will schedule short, medium and long term follow ups as part of our overall practice.

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