During your initial consultation we will review all your past medical and surgical history. This includes your regular medications, smoking history and any allergic reactions. Any previous weight-reduction surgery, including bariatric surgery, and the stability of your weight over the last 12 months will also be noted. Special attention will be paid to your nutritional state because wound healing problems often occur secondary to a metabolic state induced by weight-reduction surgery. Incidence of sugar intolerance and diabetes is also high in this patient group and may further undermine wound healing. Any history of high blood pressure, thyroid problems or bleeding abnormalities will be recorded. Preoperative photographs are taken as part of your confidential medical records.
Dr Farhadieh will ask you to point out exactly what areas concern you and what would be the ideal outcome from your perspective. He will discuss the surgical options with you at length, explaining the benefits, as well as possible risks. Prior to surgery, any blood-thinning medications should be ceased where possible. If you are a smoker you will need to stop for 3–6 weeks prior to surgery and for at least 3–6 weeks after surgery. Body lifts are carried out under general anaesthetic and in a hospital setting. You should expect several days in hospital after the operation.
Our anaesthetist will discuss the anaesthetic process with you. On the day of surgery you will have your thighs, back and abdomen marked prior to surgery. Based on your individual requirements, the amount of redundant and excess tissues will be marked. The incisions are designed to be as well hidden as possible from view. If they need to extend along the length of the thigh, for a greater lift and tissue resection, they are placed away from the direct line of vision. They will usually heal and fade over time.
The operation takes 4–6 hours and local anaesthetic is infiltrated into the surgical sites to reduce postoperative pain. After surgery you will be taken to recovery and thereafter to the wards. Compression garments will be applied to support your thighs and trunk. These also help to reduce postoperative swelling and bruising. You will be encouraged to stand and walk as soon as possible; this is an important part of the postoperative care. Any surgical drains and catheter are removed a day or two after surgery. Occasionally one drain remains in place until 5–7 days postoperatively.
Supportive garments are worn for at least 6 weeks. After discharge you will be invited to attend a follow-up appointment in our clinic and thereafter at regular intervals. Complications are inherent following any surgery including body lift surgery.These include infection, postoperative bleeding, wound breakdown, scarring, asymmetry and leg blood clots. We will discuss these in detail with you during your consultation.
The trust and relationship between surgeon and patient is a vital element of this process. We are committed to being there for you for every step of your journey. During the preoperative or postoperative period we are always available to see you and offer help, advice and assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Usually you will stay in hospital for 2–4 days. You will often be discharged with at least one remaining drain, which will come out usually by day 5–7 postoperatively.
There is some discomfort associated with surgery. Most patients report a ‘tightness’, rather than pain, due to the excellent modern anasethetic pain control regime we utilise, which includes local anaesthetic for the immediate postoperative period as well as powerful analgesics. However, it must be noted that people perceive pain different and its a subjective experience.Some people find the surgery more than others. It must be noted that all results are also variable, each patient reflecting their individual outcome.
Depending on the extent of the procedure liposuction may be required for optimal aesthetic outcome. This is often and judiciously used by Dr Farhadieh at different sites.
Within 2 weeks you will be back at work and able to resume most normal activities. Exercises that put strain on your core abdominal muscles should not be resumed for at least 8 and preferably for 12 weeks. However it must be noted that recovery also varies from patient to patient some are mobilising earlier some later.
Body lift surgery incisions are positioned to hide the scars, strategically camouflaging them from most common view lines. Body lift surgery scars have a slightly higher risk of wound rupture and breakdown than standard scars. When these occur, they are often small areas that heal by themselves and leave some scars that may require revision down the track.
Dr Farhadieh believes that the relationship between doctor and patient is sacred and privileged. Our practice is based on compassion, honesty, transparency and, above all, patient welfare. We pride ourselves on making sure that you feel supported at all times. We will be available during all stages of your journey and will schedule short-, medium- and long-term follow-up appointments as part of our overall practice.
1. There are some general risks associated with ANY operation, which include:
a) Infection in surgical wound(s) with resultant redness, pain and possible discharge. In severe cases, wound(s) could break open and need to be resewn after washout and debridement.
b) Possible bleeding in surgical wound(s) with swelling or bruising. Occasionally, this will require secondary surgery for evacuation.
c) Secretions may accumulate in the lungs and cause a chest infection.
d) Deep vein thrombosis.
e) Death is possible during or after an operation following severe complications.
f) Smoking significantly increases the risk of complications. Therefore, you should completely stop smoking at least 4 weeks prior to surgery, and refrain from smoking for at least 4 weeks.
2. The following facts, risks and complications apply specifically to THIS operation:
a) Antibiotics are given during and after the operation, to minimise the risk of infection. If infection was to occur, it would be treated with the usual techniques. In severe cases, treatment may involve being admitted to hospital for intravenous antibiotics; and further surgery may be required.
b) Bruising and swelling is normal, but the severity can vary with each patient. The risk of increased bruising or bleeding can be reduced by abstaining from medications such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, or other blood thinning agents, for at least 2 weeks prior to surgery. (Please see Pre-Op Medication Information sheet).
c) The incisions will result in scar formation. Dr Farhadieh will endeavour to keep the incisions as small as possible, and these scars will soften and fade with time. You will be instructed as to how best care for scars to optimise results.
d) Postoperative pain experienced varies from very mild to significant discomfort. You will be given plenty of pain relieving medication following your surgery and this should keep you comfortable, no matter what your level of discomfort.
e) It is common to have intermittent mild discomfort, or intermittent sharp pains in the first few weeks after surgery, as the swelling resolves and the nerves recover.
f) Most patients will need to take about 2-4 weeks off work. Heavy lifting, vigorous upper body exercise or any activity that involves raising your arms high above your head should be avoided for 8-12 weeks.
g) Delayed healing may sometimes occur along the margins of the incisions; and occasionally there is some loss of the skin edges, requiring prolonged dressings or additional surgery for correction.
h) On rare occasions tight closures have to be released if the muscles are thought to be under pressure; compartment syndrome is a rare but known complication of this operation.
i) Ongoing swelling in the distal arms happens from time to time and may take some time to resolve.
j) It is possible, although unusual, to experience a bleeding episode during or after surgery. Should postoperative bleeding occur, it may require emergency treatment to drain accumulated blood or fluid. I agree not take any aspirin, fish oil, or anti-inflammatory medications for ten days prior to surgery, as this may increase the risk of bleeding.
k) There may be swelling and bruising around the operated area. This can persist for several weeks/months and, in rare cases, longer following the procedure.
l) You may experience numbness which may persist for an indefinite period of time.
m) Delayed healing may sometimes occur along the margins of the incisions; and occasionally there is some loss of the skin edges or of the nipple itself, requiring prolonged dressings or additional surgery for correction.
n) Nerves and vessels in the field may damaged by the surgery.
o) It is possible that the final aesthetic results are not satisfactory.