Breast reduction surgery remains amongst the most reliable plastic surgery procedures in addressing concerns related to large breasts. These symptoms are functional and related, to back, neck and shoulder pain chiefly which we can help address through surgical methods at our Sydney or Canberra clinics. Other symptoms include interference with daily life and aesthetic concerns about shape as well as size.
Breast Reduction Surgery Origins
As discussed in our previous blogs on this topic. The traditional method of breast reduction is terms “Wise” pattern, after Robert Wise who first deconstructed a brassiere. This results in the traditional “Inverted T” incision or anchor incision. The usual pedicle, that is the tissues on which the Nipple Areolar Complex (NAC) are isolated is inferior. Although more recently superior, medial and supero-medial pedicles have enjoyed popularity due to perceived advantage of long term shape. Vertical or short pattern breast reduction, forego the horizontal limbs of the “Inverted T” for either no horizonal component or only a small extension. This was a technique popular in South America and European centres. Lejour made the short scar pattern with a superior pedicle popular. It was however, Elizabeth Hall-Findlay who popularised the short scar breast reduction technique with a medial pedicle for a new generation of plastic surgeons.
Our Sydney Surgeon Explains Breast Reduction
The preoperative measurements and placement of the new NAC on the reshaped breast mound are vital in design and execution of the surgical technique. The incisions are carried out first with the pedicle guarded against any damage and stripped of its skin to protect the underlying draining veins. Next the pedicle is isolated down the chest wall muscle before the planned excision of the tissues takes place. The breast mounds are recreated before closure with absorbable sutures and skin glue. The surgery usually requires overnight admission at our Sydney or Canberra clinics, with use of drains that are moved in the morning before discharge.